Demonstration Properties

A key outcome of the Sparking Conversations, Igniting Action project involved identifying one publicly owned building or property in each of the four local government areas (Hobart, Kingborough, Glenorchy and Clarence) that may be modified to improve the property’s bushfire resilience.

The purpose of establishing demonstration properties is to enable the public to see ways they can upgrade, retrofit, or landscape their homes and gardens to provide greater protection against bushfire.

Properties include:

  • Sandford Hall - 949 South Arm Road, Sandford

  • Collinsvale Hall - 10 Hall Road, Collinsvale

  • ‘Benjamin Court’ - 21-27 Cascade Road, South Hobart

  • Sandfly Hall - 811 Sandfly Road, Sandfly

Each property is intended to remain as an open, viewable example for local community members to refer back to, whilst also protecting valuable community assets within our target neighbourhoods.

Changes that have been made at each property include:

  • Metal flyscreens fitted - metal flyscreens have been fitted to windows and vents around buildings. Metal flyscreen with holes less than 2mm can prevent embers from entering the building and starting a fire inside. This is particularly useful if windows are accidentally left open.

  • Gaps filled - gaps around buildings that were larger than 2mm have been covered or filled in with an appropriate material, such as mineral wool or gap filler. This prevents embers getting inside and starting a fire.

  • Sub-floor door replacement at Sandfly Hall - the timber sub-floor door was replaced with a non-combustible door that is tight fitting. This will prevent ignition to the door if it is exposed to ember attack or direct flames.

  • Weather strips and nylon brushes added - fire resistant weather strips and nylon brushes have been added to the front door to ensure it is tight fitting and embers cannot enter through any gaps.

  • Trees pruned - trees close to buildings have been pruned to that they are not overhanging or touching the building.

  • Gutter guard installed at Sandford Hall - gutter guard was fitted to all applicable guttering on the hall. This will prevent leaves and other flammable material building up in the gutters and means that if embers land in the gutters during a bushfire, there will be nothing to ignite.

  • Fire rated paint used on Sandford Hall - fire rated paint has been applied to the lower 400mm of the building. This will help prevent the exterior walls from igniting if they were exposed to flames.

At ‘Benjamin Court’ the following changes have been made:

  • Vegetation thinned out - plants or shrubs less than two metres in height, excluding sedges or grasses, have been removed from the site. This will both reduce the fuel load close to the building and separate fuels from each other, which can help prevent the spread of fire.

  • Less flammable vegetation planted - plants with lower flammability ratings, according to research by the University of Tasmania, have been planted in the landscape to replace the removed vegetation.

  • Non-flammable mulch used - non-flammable mulch has been used on garden beds.

  • Trees pruned - trees close to the building have been pruned back so that they are not overhanging or touching the building.

  • Garden waste removed - all green waste generated through the landscaping works was moved off-site to the tip. This will make sure there is no extra fuel lying around the building that could burn during a bushfire.

For more information about the changes - watch the video: