
Sparking Conversations, Igniting Action was a bushfire resilience project that worked closely with 12 small neighbourhood groups across Clarence, Glenorchy, Hobart and Kingborough.

The pilot project aimed to help people in these neighbourhoods better understand the bushfire risks in their area and what they can do to better prepare their homes, families and communities for bushfire.

Each target neighbourhood is characterised by different bushfire risk profiles and the mix of people who make their homes in these neighbourhoods.


Mount Rumney

Profile: Rural neighbourhood nestled into bushland environment.
Bushfire risks: Tall trees and a narrow windy access route and dead end roads put this community at heightened risk of ember attack and direct flame fronts.

Risdon Vale

Profile: Urban community almost entirely surrounded by bushland hills.
Bushfire risks: Particularly vulnerable to ember attack and limited escape routes.


Profile: Most residents of Sandford live within a bushland environment.
Bushfire risks: With one main road running north to south, there are limited exit options for this rural community during a bushfire. The dry bushland blocks are susceptible to ember attack and direct flame fronts.


Austins Ferry

Profile: Urban neighbourhood just to the east of large bushland areas.
Bushfire risks: Although it feels suburban, ember attack from the nearby hills puts this community at risk.

Upper Claremont

Profile: Bushland-urban interface.
Bushfire risks: Upper Claremont is adjacent to large bushland areas and at heightened risk of both ember attack and direct flame fronts.

West Moonah

Profile: An urban community just east of a large expanse of bushland.
Bushfire risks: This neighbourhood is at particular risk of ember attack.


Lenah Valley

Profile: Bushland-urban interface.
Bushfire risks: Limited escape routes and heavy bushland surrounding the suburb puts this neighbourhood at risk from ember attack and direct flame fronts.

Mount Nelson

Profile: A bushland suburb on the outskirts of Hobart.
Bushfire risks: Heightened bushfire risk from direct flame attack and ember attack. The tall trees, narrow roads and limited exit routes make this neighbourhood particularly vulnerable to bushfire.

South Hobart

Profile: Bushland-urban interface.
Bushfire risks: This community is at particular risk from bushfire coming from the northwest. Direct flame fronts, ember attack and a single vehicle entry point put this neighbourhood at heightened bushfire risk.


Bonnet Hill

Profile: This community has an urban/rural mix.
Bushfire risks: With large bushland areas to the north, and one main road running through the suburb, there are limited exit options during a bushfire. This neighbourhood is at heightened risk of ember attack and direct flame fronts.

Leslie Vale

Profile: A rural community almost entirely surrounded by bushland hills.
Bushfire risks: Limited exit routes during a bushfire, this community is particularly vulnerable to ember attack.


Profile: Rolling hills and large bushland areas are all part of this rural community.
Bushfire risks: Ember attack and direct flame fronts will impact this community during a bushfire, and with limited exit routes, this community is at heightened risk.